WOW! Things are moving fast and on schedule! The new Annapolis Office is going to be spectacular! Has anyone out there in cyber space driven by it yet? It is on the left as you are headed down Rowe Blvd. towards downtown Annapolis…a perfect location. To see more pics of the construction, please click here. Don’t forget to search us out on Facebook… look for “Stewart & Labbe”. We would LOVE to have you as a FAN. We are hoping to start pushing some traffic to this blog sight, our facebook page and get some followers on Twitter. If you have ideas on things that we can share, funny thoughts you may have or ANYTHING that makes you smile, let us know! Email it to Nikki at Have a super weekend and check back next week!

Welcome to the Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics Blog! We hope that you enjoy our posts and maybe even learn a little bit about...well...everything! We will explore the world of orthodontics, tell fun and interesting stories and share a bit of our fun personality. Please feel free to interact, ask questions, make comments and share your insight!
Friday, July 31, 2009
So Exciting!
WOW! Things are moving fast and on schedule! The new Annapolis Office is going to be spectacular! Has anyone out there in cyber space driven by it yet? It is on the left as you are headed down Rowe Blvd. towards downtown Annapolis…a perfect location. To see more pics of the construction, please click here. Don’t forget to search us out on Facebook… look for “Stewart & Labbe”. We would LOVE to have you as a FAN. We are hoping to start pushing some traffic to this blog sight, our facebook page and get some followers on Twitter. If you have ideas on things that we can share, funny thoughts you may have or ANYTHING that makes you smile, let us know! Email it to Nikki at Have a super weekend and check back next week!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Fiddler on the...
Have a incredible weekend everyone!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
New Annapolis Office
We estimate opening the doors to the new office in Spring 2010!
Let us know what you think…
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
With all this social networking, people aren’t getting the amount of “face time” that they used to. And for those of us that may have BAD BREATH… this could be a good thing for everyone! Many people have bad breath without even realizing it. This can decrease the likelihood of having a healthy social life, finding a significant other, and even moving forward in your career. The absolute most important aspect of having good breath is to have proper oral hygiene. Here are some tips to help ensure that your breath is always fresh:
- Open up and say “AHHHH”! Brush your teeth and don’t forget your tongue first thing every morning. Foul-smelling bacteria have had a chance to take over your mouth while you are asleep, and are most likely causing yucky "morning breath." The surface of your tongue accumulates an incredible amount of this foul-smelling bacteria throughout the night and during each day.
- A splash of cold water isn’t just for your face… After you brush your teeth and your tongue, rinse your mouth thoroughly and gargle with fresh, cool water. This is a very important step, one that many people overlook. This will help to soften the hard smell of your minty toothpaste.
- Bottoms up! After completing steps 1 and 2, make sure you drink a significant amount of water, and avoid eating or drinking anything else for at least 30 minutes. This completes the cleansing process of your mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach, which is extremely important for fresh breath after you sleep.
- Watch what you eat… Out for a night on the town or prepping up for that important meeting? Maybe today’s the day you are going to finally ask them out… on these days avoid foods such as garlic, onions, sugary foods, meats, fish, poultry, and eggs. All of these foods are notorious for causing bad breath. Fresh fruits and vegetables actually help to cleanse your entire system, and the result is improved breath. Leafy green vegetables, in particular, are well-known for assisting the body in maintaining fresh breath. Try chewing fresh peppermint, spearmint, parsley, or basil instead of gum. Remember to drink fresh water after every meal and throughout the day.
If you find yourself with chronic bad breath, please consult your regular dentist. Bad breath could be a side effect of a more severe underlying condition.
At Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics, we will work closely with you and your Dentist to ensure that you overall oral health and hygiene is in tip top shape! Your beautiful smile deserves the very best!