Welcome to the Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics Blog! We hope that you enjoy our posts and maybe even learn a little bit about...well...everything! We will explore the world of orthodontics, tell fun and interesting stories and share a bit of our fun personality. Please feel free to interact, ask questions, make comments and share your insight!
Monday, December 12, 2011
Halloween Candy Donations for our Troops!
All of us here at Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics want to thank those who helped us collect Halloween candy for our Troops! We had a fantastic turnout and gathered candy of all kinds! In the end, we had 3 larger sized storage bins each filled to the top.
On Thursday, December 8th, we took the candy to the USO-Metro on the Ft. Mead Army Base.
There we met Queen Waddell, the Coordinator at the FT. Meade USO Center. Queen is a young lady that is filled with life, has a heart that is pure and a permanent smile on her face! She amazed me as she took me on a tour of their rather small facility. I couldn’t get over how much good was coming out of such a tiny place. Somehow though…she makes it work.
Queen was thrilled to see the huge amounts of candy that we had! She said over and over how much the Troops and their families will appreciate it. “What a morale booster!”
The USO Metro is a nonprofit organization chartered by Congress and dedicated to “Serving those who serve, and their families” in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia. It is through financial support of individuals and organizations in the local community that USO-Metro is able to fulfill its mission. If you would like more information on the USO, please visit www.usometro.org.
Knowing that our patients and friends would be interested to find out how they can help NOW, I asked Queen what they need most. “Volunteers!”, she said. “Smiling faces and giving hearts are always welcome at Ft. Meade USO”. Also, they always need non-perishable food items to keep their “pantry” stocked…especially this time of year! And, business sponsors to help assist with daily, monthly, quarterly and annual events are also needed.
Queen also taught me about the “Project USO Elf”, a special holiday gift program for military kids. They want to make this holiday season bright for our littlest heroes! To learn more or make a donation to sponsor a military child through this and other USO holiday programs, please visit www.usometro.org/donate.
Once again, thank you! It was a true pleasure to bring the combined efforts of our patient’s candy donations to the USO! It was fabulous to meet Queen and I am certain that Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics will be looking for more ways that we can make a difference for this outstanding organization.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Importance of Wearing Your Retainers!!
After an average of 24 months in treatment, a full 2 years of your life, the braces are finally coming off! It’s time to rejoice with a feast of bubble gum, hard pretzels and anything else chewy, gooey, sticky or gummy and to enjoy the pleasure of showing off that new, gorgeous smile that has emerged! But how can an orthodontic patient maintain their beautiful smile for years to come? The answer is to WEAR RETAINERS AS INSTRUCTED!
There are many types and designs of both upper and lower retainers. At Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics, we utilize removable Hawley Retainers that can be customized with fancy colors and personal logos as well as Trutain Retainers, which are clear and similar to the Invisalign aligners. Regardless of the type, the two main purposes of retainers are the same: 1. To allow the bone surrounding the roots of the teeth to rebuild after the braces have moved them and 2. To prevent individual teeth from shifting.
How long should I wear my retainers? This is a question that is heard time and time again after the braces come off. Wearing retainers as prescribed by your orthodontist is the best way to prevent your teeth from moving after orthodontic treatment. At Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics, we recommend fulltime wear for one full year. After that we advise our patients to wear their retainers at nighttime only.
In the beginning, during regular fulltime wear, the retainers feel comfortable. It may seem as if they are doing nothing at all. Then, after several weeks of not so regular wear, the retainers may feel tight and uncomfortable. In this instance you can assume that there has been some shifting. However, after a few nights of regular retainer wear, the teeth will realign into their proper positions.
It is also important to remember that as a patient is undergoing orthodontic treatment, the roots of the teeth are actually being moved through bone. As the teeth are moved, the bone dissipates and creates a void or empty area around the roots of each of these teeth. Therefore, regular retainer wear after orthodontic treatment is important because the retainers will allow the bone to regenerate solidly around the roots while maintaining the desired position of the teeth.
Retainers stabilize and maintain the beautiful smile that was achieved by you and your orthodontist. Slight changes in the position of your teeth are a natural occurrence with age and not a failure in orthodontic treatment. Upon completion of treatment it is the patient that is in charge of keeping things straight! Best advice then is WEAR YOUR RETAINERS FULLTIME FOR A YEAR AND “NIGHTTIME FOR A LIFETIME”!
There are many types and designs of both upper and lower retainers. At Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics, we utilize removable Hawley Retainers that can be customized with fancy colors and personal logos as well as Trutain Retainers, which are clear and similar to the Invisalign aligners. Regardless of the type, the two main purposes of retainers are the same: 1. To allow the bone surrounding the roots of the teeth to rebuild after the braces have moved them and 2. To prevent individual teeth from shifting.
How long should I wear my retainers? This is a question that is heard time and time again after the braces come off. Wearing retainers as prescribed by your orthodontist is the best way to prevent your teeth from moving after orthodontic treatment. At Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics, we recommend fulltime wear for one full year. After that we advise our patients to wear their retainers at nighttime only.
In the beginning, during regular fulltime wear, the retainers feel comfortable. It may seem as if they are doing nothing at all. Then, after several weeks of not so regular wear, the retainers may feel tight and uncomfortable. In this instance you can assume that there has been some shifting. However, after a few nights of regular retainer wear, the teeth will realign into their proper positions.
It is also important to remember that as a patient is undergoing orthodontic treatment, the roots of the teeth are actually being moved through bone. As the teeth are moved, the bone dissipates and creates a void or empty area around the roots of each of these teeth. Therefore, regular retainer wear after orthodontic treatment is important because the retainers will allow the bone to regenerate solidly around the roots while maintaining the desired position of the teeth.
Retainers stabilize and maintain the beautiful smile that was achieved by you and your orthodontist. Slight changes in the position of your teeth are a natural occurrence with age and not a failure in orthodontic treatment. Upon completion of treatment it is the patient that is in charge of keeping things straight! Best advice then is WEAR YOUR RETAINERS FULLTIME FOR A YEAR AND “NIGHTTIME FOR A LIFETIME”!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Let Maryland See Your Smile Photo Mission Contest!
The HOTTEST contest of the summer is finally here! The Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics Let Maryland See Your Smile Contest is up and running! Here's how it works...first you need to get your hands on an the "Official Mission List". On that list you will see 4 categories: People, Places, Things and Actions. What you need to do is get a picture of yourself WITH YOUR STEWART AND LABBE T-SHIRT ON and with these different people, places, things or doing these actions to earn the points indicated on the Mission List.
You will then send your pictures to us via email to seemysmile@stewartandlabbe.com. We will tally up your points and post your pictures all over our offices! All pictures MUST be in by Sept. 6th and the winner will be announced on Sept. 8th.
In addition, you can also participate in our Facebook Special Op Missions! There is one of these missions in each category. In addition to earning your points towards the grand prize, these pictures can also be uploaded onto our Facebook Page. Then you must invite your friends and their friends and so on and so on to log on and "like" your picture! Pictures with the most "likes" will win! For each category there will be one Special Ops winner (that's 4 in total!)
So...are you ready for the best part? THE PRIZES!! Well wait no more:
2 First Place Prizes = Choice of Ipad 2 OR $500 Visa Card
2 Second Place Prizes = $200 Visa Card
2 Third Place Prizes = $50 Visa Card
4 Facebook Special Op Mission Prizes = $100 Visa Card
You read it right! We are giving away 2 Ipads, 2 $200 Visa Cards, 2 $50 Visa Cards and 4 $100 Visa Cards! That's $2000 worth of prizes! That makes THIS CONTEST the biggest contest in Stewart and Labbe History!
Click HERE to download the rules as well as the OFFICIAL MISSION LIST directly to your computer OR scan the QR Code with your smart phone.
Grab your camera and get your shirt ready to go! It's going to be one WILD & CRAZY summer....
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Match the Ladies to the Babies! Winner gets a $60 GC to Old Navy, Banana Repulic & the Gap
We have another new and exciting contest hot off the press for you! And this one is absolutely adorable!
In the pictures below you will see 12 of our staff members…all grown up and gorgeous as ever. In the other picture you will see their cute little baby faces.
See if you can match up the babies with the ladies. Can you tell who is who?
Get your entry in by June 16th. You can email your answers to seemysmile@stewartandlabbe.com. All correct entries will be put into a drawing for a $60 gift certificate good at Old Navy, Banana Republic, or the Gap. Winner will be announced on June 20th.
If you have any questions, please email us at seemysmile@stewartandlabbe.com.
Have fun and Good Luck!
In the pictures below you will see 12 of our staff members…all grown up and gorgeous as ever. In the other picture you will see their cute little baby faces.
See if you can match up the babies with the ladies. Can you tell who is who?
Get your entry in by June 16th. You can email your answers to seemysmile@stewartandlabbe.com. All correct entries will be put into a drawing for a $60 gift certificate good at Old Navy, Banana Republic, or the Gap. Winner will be announced on June 20th.
If you have any questions, please email us at seemysmile@stewartandlabbe.com.
Have fun and Good Luck!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics Spring Newsletter
Click HERE to view Straight Talk, our most recent newsletter. Be sure to read through it as it is filled with great information. This includes our New Wahoo Prizes!! Now more than ever you want to be sure that you are collecting Wahoos and trading them in for some fantastic prizes. There is something for everyone…we promise!
If you have any news for our June Newsletter, please let us know. You can drop an email to seemysmile@stewartandlabbe.com and we will be sure to get your word out.
Hope your spring season is going great and we look forward to seeing you all very soon!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Movie Madness Contest!
At last the warm weather is coming! And with the fresh new spring air we bring you a fresh new fun contest.
It’s MOVIE MADNESS at Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics! In the picture below there are literal interpretations of 22 movie titles.
Click HERE to see a larger image or to download to your computer.
Correctly fill out all 22 titles and be entered to win a $50 Gift Certificate to the movies! Click HERE for an entry sheet. Print it out and fax it over (410-451-9686). Or, email your submission to seemysmile@stewartandlabbe.com. Be sure to put your answers next to the right numbers.
Some of these are really easy…some of them are really hard. Stay tuned to our Facebook Page for hints!
Entries must be submitted by Friday, April 29th. All entries with all 22 correct answers will be put into a drawing and the winner will be announced on Monday, May 2nd.
It’s MOVIE MADNESS at Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics! In the picture below there are literal interpretations of 22 movie titles.
Click HERE to see a larger image or to download to your computer.
Correctly fill out all 22 titles and be entered to win a $50 Gift Certificate to the movies! Click HERE for an entry sheet. Print it out and fax it over (410-451-9686). Or, email your submission to seemysmile@stewartandlabbe.com. Be sure to put your answers next to the right numbers.
Some of these are really easy…some of them are really hard. Stay tuned to our Facebook Page for hints!
Entries must be submitted by Friday, April 29th. All entries with all 22 correct answers will be put into a drawing and the winner will be announced on Monday, May 2nd.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Working on that Summer Smile!
Well here we are… finally enjoying a taste of warmer weather. Fret not friends who love the wonder of winter, for it is not over yet. Looks like temperatures may plummet yet again prior to committing to a full on spring fling.
So for those of you who long for April showers and May flowers, here’s a way to keep you smiling until Mother Nature delivers. From an article written by Sharon Liao for Bright Smile Beautiful You is a list of foods that will help increase your energy, reduce your stress and keep that grin gorgeous!
1. SalmonSharon Liao is an award-winning health editor and writer who has been on staff at Prevention, Fitness, and Reader's Digest magazines. She has contributed to Seventeen and Weight Watchers Magazine, as well as The Intellectual Devotional: Health.
"The omega-3s found in salmon have been proven to boost mood," says Lauren Slayton, a registered dietitian and the director of FoodTrainers, a nutrition center in New York City. These healthy fats not only put a smile on your face, but they can also help keep it there: A recent study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that people who consistently consumed more omega-3s were 30 percent less likely to develop gum disease than those who got less. Don't like seafood? Reach for other sources like flax and walnuts.
2. Avocado
Even if you're not a guacamole fan, this green fruit can bring you happiness. "Avocados contain serotonin, a type of feel-good neurotransmitter in the brain," says Slayton. Try using a few slices as a creamy substitute for mayo in sandwiches, or toss some cubes into your lunchtime salad.
3. Raisins
Although they're known as nature's candy, raisins are one sweet treat that won't cause cavities. In fact, researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry found that the healthy antioxidants in raisins helped slow the growth of two types of bacteria that set the stage for tooth decay and gum disease. Snack on a handful for an instant hit of energy.
4. Dark chocolate
It's no wonder that many women consider chocolate comfort food. "Chocolate is high in magnesium, a mineral that calms muscles and can relieve anxiety," says Slayton. For an even bigger dose of the mineral, try satisfying your sweet tooth with chocolate-covered almonds.
5. Cereal
The next time you pick up a box, check to make sure it's fortified with vitamin D. Over 60 percent of Americans don't get enough of this "sunshine" nutrient, which has been shown to fend off the blues -- especially during the dark days of winter. Pair those puffs of flakes with low-fat milk for a dose of bone- and teeth-fortifying calcium.
6. Green tea
Feeling stressed? Brew some soothing tea. These green leaves contain L-theanine, an antioxidant that has been linked with relaxation. Sip a mug before that big meeting, and you'll score another benefit: fresher breath. According to research from Pace University in New York City, green tea's polyphenols can destroy bacteria that lead to bad breath and tooth decay.
7. Yogurt
Scoop up a better mood with this calcium-rich snack. Yogurt contains probiotics, friendly bacteria that have been shown to ease depression. Plus, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology reveals that probiotics may reduce inflammation in the mouth, lowering your risk of gum disease and even oral cancer.
8. Popcorn
When you're grumpy or sluggish, chances are you crave bread and pasta. "That's because carbs increase serotonin levels in the body, which can put you in a better mood," explains Slayton. But before you twirl up that spaghetti, snack on some popcorn. The whole-grain treat has the same beneficial effect and, at just 31 calories per cup, won't wreck your waistline.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
And the Winner Is.....
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls! The time has finally come to announce the winner of our Ipad Contest! A HUGE thank you to everyone that participated! All of us here have thoroughly enjoyed the excitement and especially the very sweet and kind words you have shared with us. Thank you! Now...without further ado...the winner is...
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