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Monday, December 12, 2011
Halloween Candy Donations for our Troops!
All of us here at Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics want to thank those who helped us collect Halloween candy for our Troops! We had a fantastic turnout and gathered candy of all kinds! In the end, we had 3 larger sized storage bins each filled to the top.
On Thursday, December 8th, we took the candy to the USO-Metro on the Ft. Mead Army Base.
There we met Queen Waddell, the Coordinator at the FT. Meade USO Center. Queen is a young lady that is filled with life, has a heart that is pure and a permanent smile on her face! She amazed me as she took me on a tour of their rather small facility. I couldn’t get over how much good was coming out of such a tiny place. Somehow though…she makes it work.
Queen was thrilled to see the huge amounts of candy that we had! She said over and over how much the Troops and their families will appreciate it. “What a morale booster!”
The USO Metro is a nonprofit organization chartered by Congress and dedicated to “Serving those who serve, and their families” in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia. It is through financial support of individuals and organizations in the local community that USO-Metro is able to fulfill its mission. If you would like more information on the USO, please visit www.usometro.org.
Knowing that our patients and friends would be interested to find out how they can help NOW, I asked Queen what they need most. “Volunteers!”, she said. “Smiling faces and giving hearts are always welcome at Ft. Meade USO”. Also, they always need non-perishable food items to keep their “pantry” stocked…especially this time of year! And, business sponsors to help assist with daily, monthly, quarterly and annual events are also needed.
Queen also taught me about the “Project USO Elf”, a special holiday gift program for military kids. They want to make this holiday season bright for our littlest heroes! To learn more or make a donation to sponsor a military child through this and other USO holiday programs, please visit www.usometro.org/donate.
Once again, thank you! It was a true pleasure to bring the combined efforts of our patient’s candy donations to the USO! It was fabulous to meet Queen and I am certain that Stewart and Labbe Orthodontics will be looking for more ways that we can make a difference for this outstanding organization.
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